Vivian Skripek


I began my QiGong studies with Certified Instructor, Mary Mulligan, in 2011. Having practiced yoga and meditation for over 30 years I was initially drawn to the practice of QiGong because it combines movement with meditation. I have continued with QiGong because of the many health benefits I have received. In 2015 I decided to deepen my understanding of QiGong by enrolling in the instructor training program. Working with both Mary and Master Jim Scott-Behrends I was accredited in May 2016. I continue to study QiGong bringing new insights and movements to my classes. In August of 2017 I was accredited by the Tai Chi for Health Institute as an instructor.

Nam Hoa Temple of Internal Arts
* Certified Internal Arts Instructor

Dr Paul Lam Tai Chi for Health Institute
* Board certified Tai Chi for Arthritis Instructor/Leader
* Board certified Tai Chi for Arthritis for Fall Prevention Instructor/Leader

I am on hiatus now.

Vivian Skripek’s Schedule


I am on hiatus now.